Fallen Branch
Over the weekend (31st Oct- 1st Nov) during the heavy rain and wind that hit the U.K., a large branch came down in the Old Cemetery. Luckily, except for one unfortunate grave/headstone which is now broken , the branch did manage to miss both, John Peake (1st burial) and Edward Bist (the Train).
This tree does seem to be unlucky, a few years ago it was hit by lightning, causing another branch to fall, again when this happened the cemetery lost a couple of headstones.
Kevin from Bereavement (SCC) came on Tuesday and managed to saw through a lot of the smaller outer branches, for FoSOC then to be able to clear the branches away from pathway to enable clear the use for the public. The smaller branches will be chipped at a later date.
Tree surgeons will need to remove the large branch, again at a later date.
Photos taken by Bruce Larner… many thanks