The Friends of Southampton
Old Cemetery (FoSOC)

The Cemetery was originally to be provided with two chapels – Church of England and Nonconformist, and a Lodge for the curator. Later a Jewish Chapel was added.


Welcome to ‘The Friends of the Southampton Old Cemetery’

We are a group of enthusiasts interested in the history, wildlife and maintenance of the Old Cemetery in Southampton, Hampshire UK – a Grade II* listed cemetery.

FoSOC was founded in 2003 by John Avery, Veronica Tippetts and Geoff Watts and has two major aims:

  • To uphold the original purpose of the Cemetery, which is to be a place of reflection and remembrance of the people buried there.
  • To support the ecological aims of the adjoining Southampton Common (a Site of Special Scientific Interest), and to treat it with the same care.


During Spring, Summer and Autumn there will be at least one heritage event and one wildlife event each month. In addition our conservation work continues throughout the year.

Booking is advisable for all the walks. All walks normally last approximately 90 minutes, but the Titanic walks are longer as more graves are visited. Good shoes are recommended, and if possible, a donation is very welcome.


Upcoming Events


Early spring flowers

Saturday 22nd March 2:00 pm
Heritage Event

Titanic -Survivors (New Walk)

Saturday 12th April 11:00 am
Heritage Event
Heritage Event

Become a Friend of Southampton Old Cemetery

Membership is open to anyone interested in the Cemetery and who support our aim to balance conservation with the need to protect its heritage and social history.


Latest News

Get in touch with The Friends of the Southampton Old Cemetery