
Cemetery Wildlife

FoSOC works in cooperation with the City Council’s ecologist to reverse the historic invasion of scrub and saplings in some areas of the cemetery. The thrust of our current conservation work is to restore the areas surrounding the chapels to a more formal appearance whilst still maintaining their diversity of wild flowers.

What to expect


Usually caused by tiny Gall Wasps. The females lays her eggs on a specific plant and when they hatch the plant's tissue swells up around the tiny grubs to form the gall.


Shieldbugs are very distinctive insects. 24 of the UK's 34 species are found in the Southampton area.


Only 3 conifer species are native to the UK - Scots Pine, Yew and Juniper. The Cemetery, however, has many introduced conifers.

Broad-leaved trees and Shrubs

The cemetery has a wide selection of native and introduced species. Many have amazing flowers,come to see for yourself.


There are numerous bird species using the cemetery. We are still researching this aspect of the cemetery's wildlife.


There are a surprising number of mammals at the cemetery. Same as the birds, we are still researching this aspect of the cemetery's wildlife.


Of the 59 UK 'resident' butterflies, 26 have been recorded in the Old Cemetery.


Moths are mainly, but not exclusively, nocturnal. Many of the day-flying species are brightly coloured and often confused with butterflies.

Wild Flowers

Botanically the flowers shown here are “herbs”, that is, they do not produce woody stems, The Old Cemetery, mainly due to the strimming regime, has a very big selection on display.

Become a Friend of Southampton Old Cemetery

Membership is open to anyone interested in the Cemetery and who support our aim to balance conservation with the need to protect its heritage and social history.
