Titanic Walk – Saturday 9th April 11.00am
After a two-year break due to Covid-19, the Titanic walks have returned to the Old Cemetery in Southampton, with four walks after two days…….9th and 10th April, two at 11.00 am and two at 2.30 pm.
And all the walks were very well received. The weather helped, sunny, dry but in the morning just a ‘wee’ bit cooler than the afternoon.
Many thanks to all the FoSOC members who came to help and support with the walks for the three guides, Geoff Watts, Graham Linecar and Val Ferguson.
The photos for all the walks will be shown separately. These are Geoff Watts walk 1100 am 9th.
Many thanks to Bruce Larner for all the photos taken over the two days, very much appreciated.
For more walks check the website for details; fosoc.org under events.