Titanic – Saturday 15th & 16th April
This year, FoSOC’s Titanic walks, on 15 and 16 April, started from the non-Conformist chapel. Those attending were able to see a splendid display relating to Titanic, set up by Val and Peter (Shawyer). The four walks over the weekend were taken by Val, Graham, Lizzie and Geoff and the total number on those walks was 54, £176 being generously given to us as donations, all of which money will go to the Motor Neurone Disease Association in memory of our late member, and researcher, Jackie Chandler.
Geoff and Val dedicated this year’s walks to the memory of Brian Ticehurst, who first researched Titanic connections in the cemetery, Jackie Chandler and Vicky Green of the Local Studies Library. Vicky, who contributed much to Titanic research in Southampton, sadly died suddenly, very recently.
We were able to show descendants of the following people, who were all crew members on the Titanic, the place of burial, in respect of a survivor, or the place of commemoration for those lost. Arthur William May and Arthur May (both lost), William McIntyre (survivor), Herbert Christmas (lost), James Wyeth (lost) and Charles Othen (survivor). Those who came on the walks and were related in this way were, for the most part, seeing for themselves the relevant location for the very first time and we were very pleased to have been able to help in this way. It was poignant that our 11am walk, on 15 April, was the very day, 111 years ago, that Titanic sank at 2.20am and the news of the ship being in difficulty was known to Townspeople that same day, though details had still to follow.
We managed to cope with the mud and, fortunately, the rain held off on both days, making for pleasant walking conditions. Our FoSOC photographer, Bruce Larner, was on hand to record the events for us with his camera and his pictures are posted on this website. Our grateful thanks, once again, Bruce.
The Titanic walks are always available by prior arrangement with FoSOC and it does not have to be a group. To enquire just, please, e-mail FoSOC at: fosoc 1846@googlemail.com.
Our most grateful thanks to all who came and for the donations.
Geoff Watts