The Hendy family visit the graves
This afternoon FoSOC were delighted to show Rebecca Hendy and her three children, William, Ellie and Benjamin the recently discovered grave of their great great uncle Alfred Earnest Hendy, we were also able to show them the grave of his father (their great great great grandfather) Frederick Adolphus Hendy (which is close by) and they were delighted to see them for the very first time. Most of the FoSOC committee were present as were Betty Jones and Jean Monday. It gave us all a great sense of achievement to have our hard work appreciated and certainly makes it all worthwhile. I then happened to mention that we have a Kestrel’s nest with three chicks which can sometimes be seen although during our morning walk there had been no sign of them! The family were very keen to see them and as luck would have it the chicks obliged and could be clearly seen perched high up in the top of an old tree, even one of the parents put in an appearance and did a fly past! We thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon and more pictures can now be seen on the Home page Gallery. We hope the family will visit us again very soon and what a pleasure it was to meet them.