On a lighter note – Purple Crocuses
End Polio Now!
Wonderful news – purple crocus are blooming in the Old Cemetery, just inside the main gates. Please do come and have a look at the lovely displays.
Some two years ago FoSOC, in partnership with Southampton Clausentum Rotary (https://www.facebook.com/SouthamptonClausentumRotary/), started planting purple crocus at the cemetery and further plantings took place last October. The colour has a special significance. Back in 1985, Rotary International, a worldwide organisation, gave a pledge to eradicate, from the world, the scourge of the dreadful disease of Polio. The campaign was, originally, PolioPlus and was, more recently, renamed ‘End Polio Now’ to mark the advanced stages of the work of immunisation. A most generous contributor to the campaign has been the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Rotary is now very, very close to achieving its goal of a Polio-free World. When a child is immunised a purple dye is placed on a little finger to show that has been done and the colour of the dye is reflected in the colour of the crocus. The crocus draws attention to the Cause, is a visual reminder of the huge progress to date and the corms are planned to bloom to coincide with World Rotary Day each year. More information can be found at: www.endpolio.org.uk.Clausentum Rotarians have been busy in other parts of the city. They planted at Kingsbridge Lane (near the Central Station), at Vokes Park and close to Park Walk (a corner of East Marlands Park, by New Road). Two members of FoSOC, Billy and Geoff, are also Clausentum Rotarians. FoSOC is deeply honoured to partner Clausentum and to be associated with End Polio Now, the largest humanitarian project ever undertaken in the world.