Normally, fingers crossed, mid-March should see early spring sunshine or at least a rise of temperature above the winter lows. In a normal year many flowers should be visible in the cemetery by this time, especially in the southern and western areas, where primroses, barren strawberry, wood anemone, daffodil species, lesser celandine, late crocuses etc., abound. Some tree species, especially conifers, are likely to be bursting into bloom also. Provided that the weather isn’t dull, damp or very windy, we hope to see some early insects too. We will look out for butterflies like comma, peacock, and brimstone as well as early solitary bees, hairy-legged flower bees, bumble-bees, bee-flies, hoverflies etc. Many taking advantage of the early spring nectar.
Guide Phil Budd
Meeting Place: Main cemetery entrance off Cemetery Road
Grid Ref: SU412136
Postcode: SO15 7NN
What3Words: ///hulk.vast.serve