Monthly Archives: August 2024

Large Branch Down – Main Carriageway

A while back a very large branch and a couple of smaller ones came down just off the main carriage and this has caused the Old Cemetery to lose some more precious headstones, from a plot that had heavy losses when another branch from this tree came down a few years ago. The tree has not had any leaves for a year or so and does look dead, it needs to have the branches left to be chop off. Hopefully in time this will happen and no further damage to what is left of the headstones in this area. Photos taken by Bruce Larner

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WW1 Walk – Lives lost but never forgotten.

This walk start at 2.00pm on Sunday 4th August 2024 – 110 years to the day when Britain was at war with Germany. The weather was at the start quite pleasant but towards the end was getting a bit hotter. FoSOC had a smaller crowd but they all state the course and at the end both guides received a round of applauses. The walk start at William Bagshaw who was Mayor of Southampton from 1913-1915 and was to proclaimed on the 4th August 1914, to the crowd of people that Britain was at war with Germany. Herbert  Kimber. Cook on Hospital ship Asturias when a German submarine torpedoed the ship in the channel. Luckily all the casualties had been off loaded earlier that day but 43 service and medical staff died  including Herbert who drowned. William Chaplow of the RN … Continue reading

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